carlos philip glover

Welcome to Earth Wisdom Teachings

Our relationship with Self, Earth and others is critical. We humans need to take the next step of evolution. Earth Wisdom Teachings offer a way to do this through healing of self and healing of our relationship with the natural world.

Carlos Philip Glover

Earth Wisdom Teacher

My name is Carlos, and I’ve been working with Earth Wisdom Teachings since the 1980s. Of all the forms of personal development I’ve tried, they’ve taken me furthest on the adventure of self-discovery and personal growth. They’ve brought meaning to my life and joy to my heart.

Earth Wisdom Teachings are in essence the recognition of our relationship with a vast, alive, intelligent but mysterious field of energy we call the Earth, or Universe.

When we recognise that we’re part of the Universe, not separate, we can access our inner wisdom and can learn and grow through that relationship. And when we realise that the Divine is within us and in all things we can come into peace consciousness and can emanate peace into the world.

I’d like to offer these teachings to you, in the same spirit of discovery. I feel in my bones that they will help us humans move to a new consciousness and make peace with our planet.

Carlos Philip Glover

Earth Wisdom Book

Earth Wisdom Teachings – Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel.

The future of humanity is in question. The world is in crisis. And the Earth on fire. How can we find the inner strength to meet these challenges from a place of power?

Drawing on indigenous knowledge, ‘Earth Wisdom Teachings’ shows how each of us has the power to shift the collective ‘field ‘of consciousness and shape a future of expanded possibility for our children and children’s children.

carlos philip glover

Earth Wisdom Teachings

The teachings come from an ancient body of knowledge that flourished among the Mayans, but they are needed in our world today. Carlos Philip Glover has been running ceremonies since 1993 and is dedicated to this path of Earth Medicine. 

carlos philip glover

Drum Dance

The dance confers great blessing on the dancers, and also calls in help to our world in this time of great challenge and transformation.

The Drum Dance takes place over three days. During this time, dancers are asked to hold silence and go without food and water. The ceremony goes through rounds of dancing and resting.

Before starting, we go into a sweatlodge and call in all the energies from the Unseen, and at the end of the dance, we have a blessing ceremony and break the fast with water and food.

carlos philip glover


Earth Wisdom Teachings are excellent support for our learning and growing.

Join one of our Programmes to realise your oneness with the Universe, heal and empower yourself, and grow in self-knowledge.

Evocative Leadership Mastery – This deep journey trains people to carry the Earth Wisdom teachings into the world. It is utterly transformative and empowering.

Stand Tall – Mastering your leadership from the inside out. This program is the answer to today’s key needs for people who seek real personal growth and who are ready to truly commit themselves to this process.

drum dance ceremony

Vision Quest

The quest for wisdom and understanding by being alone in Nature is as old as humankind.

People have sought vision, purpose and healing on every continent, at every time and in all traditions. This is because Nature is the great mirror that reflects the depths of our soul.

Nature reveals the truth of who we are and what we have come here to be and do. And the quest begins in our heart.

This transformative healing work can leave you feeling refreshed, renewed and with a deeper sense of who you really are.

carlos philip glover

Earth Wisdom Testimonials

I have experienced the healing power of being truly heard and seen … what always makes it very special to be guided by Carlos is his caring, dedicated and inspired attention to what is happening and what is needed in the moment.
Nathalie Petit, France

Thank you for your delicate and strong holding through my vision quest. You have been a huge part of me re-finding my inner stillness and knowing again. With love and good medicine.

Amerie, Wind Dreamer, Devon

Earth Wisdom teachings bring us back into a deeper and more intimate connection with ourselves and the world around us.  I have found such a sense of inner peace and a growing intimacy with all of life.

M Eclare, England

carlos philip glover

Earth Wisdom on YouTube

Questing for Your Life Purpose

Questing for Your Life Purpose. My name is Carlos. I’m a carrier of Ancient Earth Wisdom Teachings, and it is said each one of us carries a unique purpose.

The Gift of Heart Space

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The Secret of Self-confidence and Trust

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