Drum Dance ceremony
Drum Dance 2025
This year, the Drum Dance is taking place in Cheshire between 29th and 31st August. The Mother Drum is now calling her dancers to step forward and let us know their intention to dance.
Drum Dance ceremony
Drum Dance
The Drum Dance is a three-day dry fasting dance ceremony. It originated with a First Nation American visionary, BeautifulPaintedArrow (Joseph Rael), who brought the dance to Britain in 1992. The aim is to support our individual and collective evolution and call in help from the Universe.
The dancers move back and forth to a line of feathers set up outdoors in nature. They are enveloped in loving support and held by the resonance of the drum and chanted melodies. There are rounds of dancing and rest between sunrise and sunset from the first afternoon until mid-morning on the third day.
We then complete with a water and blessing ceremony and feast to celebrate our oneness with Life.
Dancing with feathers in sacred ceremony helps us return to trust, innocence and purity. Each dancer focuses on one feather, which represents Life, Spirit and our willingness to learn and grow. As the dance evolves, the dialogue with our feather deepens, our vibration rises and we gain insight and healing.
Our spirits become free to roam the unseen realms and touch the shimmering of fresh inspiration. We unfold like flowers in the morning sunlight.
Going without food and water is tough, but doing this intentionally enables us to transform suffering into wisdom. As the Buddha said, there is suffering in life, but we can learn and grow through it. Through this process we transcend and expand into unity consciousness.
Drum Dance ceremony
BeautifulPaintedArrow said:
“Drumming creates lifting energy which moves you very quickly to the next level of consciousness. That lifting quality is directly connected to the dynamic tension of energy struggling to achieve its highest potential. The sound that comes out of that awakened potential is the manifestation of a new idea or a new form.”
Drum Dance ceremony
Drum Dance 2025
This year, the Drum Dance is taking place in Cheshire between 29th and 31 st August 30th. The Mother Drum is now calling her dancers to step forward and let us know their intention to dance.

2025 Dates
Friday 29th to Sunday 31st August 2025.

In 2025 the Drum Dance is taking place at a Venue near Manchester.

Each dancer is asked for a contribution of £250 (or £200 concessions). We ask for £100 deposit to help with the upfront costs of the dance.
Drum Dance ceremony
The Drum Dance is one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences of my life. The visionary and mystic BeautifulPaintedArrow gifted us with this extraordinary opportunity to open to the vast mystery of life and dissolve any limits we may harbour. Its form is simple yet profound and is held impeccably by Dance Chief, Carlos Glover.
Thank you for your delicate and strong holding through my vision quest. You have been a huge part of me re-finding my inner stillness and knowing again. With love and good medicine.
Drumming creates lifting energy which moves you very quickly to the next level of consciousness. That lifting quality is directly connected to the dynamic tension of energy struggling to achieve its highest potential. The sound that comes out of that awakened potential is the manifestation of a new idea or a new form.