Carlos Philip Glover
I feel more grounded, more confident in myself, and have a greater sense of what I am on Earth to do and be. You guys were awesome, and I believe I have derived many long term benefits.
Such a profound experience. Since then I feel very grounded, connected with the earth, even when strolling through the concrete of my neighbourhood. I feel a very strong trust in myself and my future.
I went on vision quest with Carlos over ten years ago and am still getting the benefits. It’s given me clarity about my relationship with self, life and the Universe.
I’m deeply grateful to have met these profound teachings and be able to walk the path of the Delicate Lodge Teachings.
A journey in beauty, love, consciousness, energy, and life. A journey to wholeness.
Since I started this journey, my life is transforming in many senses…. I am experiencing more and more, joy, love and abundance.
I have experienced the healing power of being truly heard and seen … what always makes it very special to be guided by Carlos is his caring, dedicated and inspired attention to what is happening and what is needed in the moment.
The Drum Dance is one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences of my life. The visionary and mystic BeautifulPaintedArrow gifted us with this extraordinary opportunity to open to the vast mystery of life and dissolve any limits we may harbour. Its form is simple yet profound and is held impeccably by Dance Chief, Carlos Glover.
Thank you for your delicate and strong holding through my vision quest. You have been a huge part of me re-finding my inner stillness and knowing again. With love and good medicine.