Vision Quest DEvon

Vision Quest 2025

The quest for wisdom and understanding by being alone in Nature is as old as humankind.

Vision quest Devon

Vision Quest

People have sought vision, purpose and healing on every continent, at every time and in all traditions. This is because Nature is the great mirror that reflects the depths of our soul. She reveals the truth of who we are and what we have come here to be and do. And the quest begins in our heart.

This vision quest camp involves two days of preparation, then three days ‘on the threshold’, alone in Nature, and one day beginning to integrate the inspiration, insight and other gifts you will have received. It also includes appropriate support before and after the camp.

vision quest Devon
Carlos Philip Glover Vision Quest

Vision quest devon

Vision Quest

It will be led by Carlos and will take place on a beautiful piece of land in North Devon.

Carlos has been guiding vision quests on this sacred piece of land since 1993. He takes great pleasure and feels honoured to support questers in this transformative healing work.

He has witnessed many people coming back from their quest refreshed, renewed and with a deeper sense of who they really are.

2025 Dates

Saturday 2nd August to Saturday 9th August 2025.

Vision quest Devon

Vision Quest

Going on a vision quest is like stepping through a doorway from one chapter of your life to another. It can be seen as a rite of passage, an initiation into a deeper level of soul. It brings greater clarity about your life purpose and the unique gift that you alone can offer life.

You may choose to fast during your vision quest, but I would like to discuss this with you beforehand. It’s important to bear in mind your health needs and consider options.

However, it is recommended to go without the things that usually stimulate your ordinary thinking mind, such as mobile phone, puzzle books or playing cards. This makes it easier to hear the voice of your inner, or Essence Self.

Just going digital cold-turkey for a few days can take you beyond your ordinary sense of self. But doing so while communing with the beings of nature enables you to realise your own extraordinary nature.

Human consciousness is complex. One way to understand our psyche is that we have an outer and an inner mind, or a personality and an Infinite Self. For a lot of our ordinary waking experience our outer mind – or personality self – is evaluating, analysing, remembering the past or imagining the future.

On the other hand, the inner mind – or Essence Self – is the space of pure and loving awareness. It’s much quieter.

To enter the silence of your soul in the heart of nature allows us to reconnect with the Mystery of All Life and for this to become our greatest teacher.

Carlos - Earth Wisdom Teachings

It is likely that there’ll be times on your quest when your outer mind is chattering away about this or that. That’s normal. But as your quest deepens your outer mind will quieten and you’ll be able to hear your inner voice – “the Sacred Self at the Centre of your Circle”. This brings inspiration, fresh insight and deep healing, because these come from the Infinite Self – within and all around you.

We live in a vast, alive, intelligent ocean of energy-consciousness. As you deepen into your Sacred Self your communion with the beings around you will also deepen. We name them “trees”, “birds” or “river” etc., but beyond the labels, what are they really? They are expressions of the Mystery and they awaken the Mystery in our own heart. Through this communion, we rediscover our essential ecological consciousness.

After your quest it will be easier to connect with your Essence Self in everyday life. This is an incredible resource in which to meet the challenges of life, and changes the way you relate to everything and everyone around you.

Vision quest Devon


When we arrive we’ll pitch tents and make camp. The first two days and nights we’ll be together in camp, deepening our preparation and intention. Then there’ll be a ceremony to mark your stepping into your solo time and you’ll be out on quest for three days and three nights. Then you’ll return to base camp for a day and night to begin integration. You’ll depart the next morning.

While you are out in your solo spot, you will live simply, but you don’t have to be deliberately uncomfortable. I will guide you to set up your sacred space with a sleeping bag, pad, pillow, ground sheet and tarp. My aim is to help you stay warm and dry but be able to open your eyes and see trees, sky and stars without a tent wall in the way.

I will show you how to set up a sacred circle and make a power object to hold your intention. I recommend that you stay within your circle apart from when you need to use your toilet (which will be “au naturel” but a little distance away).

You’ll receive a full list of what to bring in your preparation guide.

During your solo or “threshold” time I will be holding you in my consciousness and prayers. I may occasionally visit you to check on your wellbeing, deliver any necessities like water or offer reflections and wise words from the Earth. Apart from that I’ll be in base camp or speaking with the landowners, Jacquie and Adrian.

The land where we’ll be questing in has never been intensively farmed. It includes a large area of ancient woodland, which is home to deer, badger, fox and crow, as well as a large water-meadow which has grasses, orchids and other wild-flowers. There is also a small river which Devon Wildlife Trust have been working to restore.

We will be a small group with up to six questers.

Vision quest Devon

Next Steps

A vision quest is an initiation into a deeper level of who you’ve come into Life to be. My intention is to help you prepare for this on every level – emotional, physical, mental and spiritual.

Please let me know if you are considering questing with me. I’m happy to arrange a “discovery call” of up to 30 minutes. There’s no obligation about this and it’s simply an opportunity for you to discuss what your needs are and ask any questions.

If you choose to commit to this quest, a £200 deposit is required. (Please get in touch if cashflow is an issue.) I’ll then send you the preparation guide and make a time to talk through your preparation.

Once a person commits to questing, the Universe begins to send messages and signs about their quest. These can come in night-dreams or in things that happen during the day. It can be helpful to note these in your journal. 

My first experience of vision questing was in 1987, in Snowdonia. Since then, I have quested in numerous places, including the desert, mountains and forest. It is a beautiful act of empowerment, and Mother Earth teaches us something different each time. I feel very fortunate to have been offering this work since the early 1990s, mostly in this land in North Devon.

Carlos - Earth Wisdom Teachings

vision quest devon

Vision Quest

“I awaken from a doze. I have been fasting and questing for several days, sitting in nature, listening to the voices of a stream. Its white water falls and froths over rocks, bubbling into the pool in front of me. It flows down among the trees to my right; the trees are cloaked with ferns and lichen: the stones look like velvet gnomes huddling in coats of moss. I am enfolded by verdant wildness, and my soul is nurtured by the stillness of elemental beings.”

Vision Quest

2025 Dates:

Saturday 2nd August to Saturday 9th August 2025

Vision Quest North Devon


North Devon, an idyllic spot between Holsworthy and Bideford.
Earth Wisdom: Making Peace with our Planet

Booking & Cost:

Cost is on a sliding scale between £650 and £800 per person. A £200 deposit is required to secure your place.

Vision Quest

I went on vision quest with Carlos over ten years ago and am still getting the benefits. It’s given me clarity about my relationship with self, life and the Universe.

Simon Smith, South Devon

Thank you for your delicate and strong holding through my vision quest. You have been a huge part of me re-finding my inner stillness and knowing again. With love and good medicine.

Amerie, Wind Dreamer, Devon

Earth Wisdom teachings bring us back into a deeper and more intimate connection with ourselves and the world around us.  I have found such a sense of inner peace and a growing intimacy with all of life.

M Eclare, England