Earth Wisdom Teachings

Programmes 2025

Join one of our Programmes to realise your oneness with the Universe, heal and empower yourself, and grow in self-knowledge. Then carry the Earth Wisdom teachings into the world.

carlos philip glover

Earth Wisdom Programmes

Earth Wisdom Teachings are excellent support for our learning and growing. Indeed, that’s what they’re designed for. There are several Programmes to choose from.

Carlos Philip Glover

Evocative Leadership Mastery – Spain

The Ehama Institute

This deep journey trains people to carry the Earth Wisdom teachings into the world. It is utterly transformative and empowering. We explore each of the eight intelligences in depth, and you will learn how to evoke each of them in yourself and in the field around you. This is the next evolutionary step of consciousness.

It is a training for people to deeply embody the essence of the teaching in the book so they can evoke expanded states of consciousness in themselves and in the field around them. It’s a training for professionals. Coaches, artists, consultants from numerous countries have benefited from this journey.

Evocative Leadership Mastery – more information

These six day residential ceremonies are held at Lalita School of Life in western Spain.

They consist of an introduction, four teaching ceremonies and a completion ceremony.

The teaching team includes WindEagle, Alessandra Lantigua and Carlos Philip Glover.

2025 Dates to be confirmed.

Stand Tall Programme

Stand Tall – Denmark


Mastering your leadership from the inside out. This program is the answer to today’s key needs for people who seek real personal growth and who are ready to truly commit themselves to this process.

This journey of personal development is based on three pillars:

  • Presentation, integration and application of Native American wisdom traditions,
  • Training and relation building as it is done in Scandinavian modern leadership,
  • Development of the adult personality, focusing on sense-making as the driving component.

Stand Tall – more information

The program lasts nearly two years is based on adult learning, which means that you will experience an integration of your life experience with all the new skills presented to you and practiced in the course of this program.

2025 dates to be confirmed.


vision quest Devon

Earth Wisdom – UK

Carlos Philip Glover

More information to come soon for UK Programmes in 2025 .


Please contact Carlos if you are interested in joining any Programmes for more information.

carlos philip glover

Earth Wisdom Testimonials

I’m deeply grateful to have met these profound teachings and be able to walk the path of the Delicate Lodge Teachings.
K O Nielsen, Denmark

A journey in beauty, love, consciousness, energy, and life. A journey to wholeness.
A Gysparis, Greece

Since I started this journey, my life is transforming in many senses…. I am experiencing more and more, joy, love and abundance.
L Pereda, Spain

I have experienced the healing power of being truly heard and seen … what always makes it very special to be guided by Carlos is his caring, dedicated and inspired attention to what is happening and what is needed in the moment.
Nathalie Petit, France

The depth and the power of the teachings are outstanding.  

Klaus, Germany

Earth Wisdom teachings bring us back into a deeper and more intimate connection with ourselves and the world around us.  I have found such a sense of inner peace and a growing intimacy with all of life.

M Eclare, England