Earth wisdom teachings

Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel

Are you ready to ignite your inner wisdom and contribute to the healing of our world? Earth Wisdom Teachings offers a powerful guide to connecting with the Earth and your own spirit through the sacred Medicine Wheel.⁠

earth wisdom teachings book

Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel

Earth Wisdom Teachings was first published as Earth Wisdom for Our Global Crisis. The new edition was launched on 15th October 2024 in USA and is now available worldwide.

A journey of self-empowerment to discover your innate inner wisdom and enact collective healing ‘Earth Wisdom for our Global Crisis’ was self-published in March 2023.

Its readers really enjoyed it, and in September 2024 Findhorn Press offered to publish it professionally. Carlos accepted this invitation with delight.

Findhorn Press is an imprint of Inner Traditions (Bear and Co.), a large US publisher of Mind, Body, Spirit books, so this is going to enable the book to touch many more hearts and minds.

The aim of the book is to show how each of us can support our collective evolution of consciousness. We can thus shape a future of expanded possibility for our children and children’s children.

Earth Wisdom Teachings:

  • Takes you through the eight directions of the Medicine Wheel to ignite your spirit fire, inspire deeper connection with all life on Earth, and open your creative, sensory, emotional, and intuitive intelligences,
  • Shares practices such as deep listening, healing with the four elements, making death an ally, transforming limiting beliefs, discovering your animal teacher, and accessing inner wisdom,
  • Explains how the transformation of consciousness influences those around you, allowing individual inner work to initiate collective change and ecological healing.
Carlos Philip Glover

20% of the author’s income from this book goes to Survival International to support the rights of indigenous people.

earth wisdom teachings book

Earth Wisdom Book

Are you ready to ignite your inner wisdom and contribute to the healing of our world?

Earth Wisdom Teachings offers a powerful guide to connecting with the Earth and your own spirit through the sacred Medicine Wheel.⁠

Embrace deep listening, transform limiting beliefs, and discover the magic of working with the four elements. Every personal transformation serves the collective.

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A journey of self-empowerment to discover your innate inner wisdom and enact collective healing. The aim of the book is to show how each of us can support our collective evolution of consciousness. We can thus shape a future of expanded possibility for our children and children’s children.

earth wisdom teachings book

Survival International

20% of the author’s income from this book goes to Survival International to support the rights of indigenous people.

earth wisdom teachings book

Book Reviews

I am really enjoying your book Carlos. It goes deep yet is highly accessible no matter where you are coming from. Thank you!
Emily Hodgkinson

A beautiful and profound book. Well written and researched, it provides a wise map for our troubled times.
Malcolm Stern,

Founder, Alternatives, Piccadilly, London

Such a precious gift to the world. Thank you. May your words be heard ✨ 

Catherine Chouardws

A beautiful piece of work with charm, grace and a gentle persistence.
Leo Rutherford

Goes beyond self-help to the birthing of a new world.
Cameron Broughton

Ancient wisdom to sustain, inspire and grow us as we find our way back home together.
Gail Bradbrook