Beat Stress by Cloud Gazing
Hi. I’m making a film about cloud gazing.
It’s a very ancient practice of just relaxing on the ground and gazing into the shapes of the clouds, and seeing what we can see in the clouds.
What are the clouds speaking to us? You know, we’re made of 70% water. Of course the clouds are water beings.
They sometimes get a bad press because they’re bringing rain.
Bbut they’re also bringing the blessing of water.
What would life be like without water? Impossible to imagine.
So just allowing ourselves to drop into a deeper state of consciousness and receive inspiration, see what shapes we can see in the clouds, the animals, dragons, ancient beings, even the faces of our ancestors looking down at us.
What are the clouds telling us? What are they speaking to us?
Because they speak to a different part of us than our rational mind.
And it’s so important for us to access the whole spectrum of our consciousness, not just the regular thinking mind, ordinary thinking.
We need to drop deeper and go into our imagination. Play with our imagination like great geniuses. Shakespeare. Leonardo da Vinci. They both have spoken about cloud gazing, or just gazing at a wall, the patterns that we can see and seeing what shapes they make.
As I look into these clouds, you know, I was seeing the shape of a mother dragon speaking to her baby dragon.
But you know, we’d all see something different gazing into them.
So I really recommend this practice. Giving yourself time off to just be, relate, with these ancient beings The Clouds. They’re kind of our relatives, our relations. Thank you.