Earth Wisdom Teachings – Practical Guidance from the Eight Directions of the Medicine Wheel
Many of us are grieving for the catastrophic impact we humans are having on the earth.
But we can turn this situation around by changing the old systems that are based on colonialism and inequality, and by transforming our consciousness.
The two go together.
I’m Carlos Glover, and I’ve written Earth Wisdom Teachings to support this transformation of consciousness.
I’ve been studying and teaching Earth wisdom for nearly 40 years. It evolved among people who lived close to the Earth, and it offers vital insights to meet our global challenges.
For example, all energy has consciousness. The universe is alive and conscious. And when we shift to this perspective, we have more respect for ourselves and for our Earth, the plants and animals are our kin.
This alive universe is like an ocean of energy in which all things are interrelated. Our thoughts, words and actions make ripples which shape the future.
To realise this interrelatedness, we need to train our attention to rest in the present moment and to access the stillness of the mind.
This expands our awareness so we can respond to the challenges from a place of deep wisdom.
It allows us to embrace the diversity in humanity, and to heal ourselves and heal our planet.
That’s the purpose of the book.
Life on earth is incredibly resilient, especially when we humans come into alignment with it. This transformation is a movement of consciousness, and it’s already happening.
You can join it.
So if this touches you, please read the book and pass this film on to others. Thank you.