The Drum Dance
Posted: 21 January 2022
The latest news: this year’s Drum Dance has been postponed to 27th – 29th August. This is because of the impact of an unexpected guest called Covid 19. While in the thick of it I didn’t feel energy for gathering all that’s needed for the dance, but at least had the clarity that it would be best to postpone. The last weekend in August is a new moon and feels an auspicious time.
The aim of the Drum dance is to push the edge of our collective consciousness and to call in supernatural help in this time of planetary crisis. It brings many blessings to the dancers and to the Earth.
We’ll start the ceremony with a sweat lodge on the Saturday afternoon and then start dancing in the evening. There’ll be rounds of dancing and resting through Sunday and some more on Monday morning. We’ll complete with a drum blessing, glass of water and a feast.
Sounds easy? Dancers are invited to go without food and water through the dance. No talking either. But lots of inspiration from Spirit, lots of re-sourcing from Source, lots of connection between you, the personal self, and You, the Infinite Self. The aim is to enter a deeply visionary state through this giveaway dance. This is empowering and deeply transformative for individual and collective consciousness.
Event details
Contact Carlos to book your place.
About Drum Dance
This amazing ceremony was brought to Britain by Beautiful Painted Arrow in 1992, and has been held annually at some place in the British Isles every year since, apart from the pandemic year of 2020.
Beautiful Painted Arrow, also known as Joseph Rael, is a visionary of the Ute and Pueblo people. He grew up in Picuris Pueblo in New Mexico and had visions from an early age. One of them was about creating sound peace chambers, and there is now a network of such kiva-like structures across the planet. The other involved sharing long-distance dances such as the Drum Dance with anyone interested, and people of many nations have taken part over the years.
“To give is to receive…When you give, you open yourself to a primal landscape of the psyche – a primal area that’s fully evolved with the high density of resonances that are just pulsating with high levels of energy….“Supernatural powers occur when we give what we have kept over the years. Now it is time; this esoteric teaching is ready to be given out. What we need most in the world today is a great deal of supernatural support. I don’t think we have it now in the way we used to have it because we’ve become too crystallized. We’ve become stuck in form.”
Dancers move back and forth from a line of feathers. This represents moving between the polarities of life until we transcend and experience resolution. It takes us into a visionary state of transcendent love. The dance usually starts in the late afternoon after a sweat lodge and continues with rounds of dancing and resting until the second morning afterwards. Drum Dancers receive the blessing of the drum, which represents the heart-beat of the Mother Earth. Then they break their fast in celebration.
In addition to sweat, toil and tears, dancers give away £200 to the dance. This means a shift in our relationship with money that also means a shift to a larger sense of identity and an expansion to vast realms of consciousness. This payment is a tradition of the dance and part of Joseph’s vision. The money goes to the land, the holding of the dance and the drummers and a portion of it will be given to support indigenous people.
The Drum Chief will be coming from Scotland and bringing the Mother Drum. On the drum are inscribed Joseph’s words, “The War Gods have gone Home,” which means we are dancing awake a world free of war and ecocide.
The Drum Dance is one of the most beautiful and powerful experiences of my life. The visionary and mystic BeautifulPaintedArrow gifted us with this extraordinary opportunity to open to the vast mystery of life and dissolve any limits we may harbour. Its form is simple yet profound and is held impeccably by Dance Chief, Carlos Glover – Richard Good, Dancer