Presence in Everyday Activities

Hi, I’m Carlos. I’m making a series of videos about Earth Wisdom Teachings. And this is about de-stressing and decreasing anxiety in everyday activity.

So Earth Wisdom Teachings, it’s an old way of knowledge, and it says that our mind has a number of different aspects. Thinking is only one of them. Sensing, hearing, touching, feeling, so on. Is another aspect of our mind, and it brings us into the present moment.

So it decreases our stress and our anxiety and helps us to be a lot more centered.

For this example, I’m going to be driving. This is a kind of driving meditation. I’ll switch the car on to demonstrate and put my attention on what I can touch. So the touch of the steering wheel, the feel of my body on the seat, the touch of the pedals with my feet.

I’m just driving in a country lane here, so there’s not that much traffic.

Of course, I have my attention on the road, but also I’m looking at the whole field of vision. I’m looking at the ceiling of the cab, the dashboard. I can see the steering wheel. I can see the camera there.

And just being really present with our senses, hearing what’s going on in the car, and being present, rather than lost in thought, or really only focused on getting to my destination, but actually enjoying the journey.

So here’s a mini tip for decreasing anxiety, becoming centered, and increasing our effectiveness. Thank you for watching.