The Secret of Self-confidence and Trust

Hello, this is the secret of Self-confidence and Trust.

I’ve spent a lot of my life lacking in self-confidence and not trusting myself, and it’s inhibited me.

And what I’ve realised is that the secret is in the word ‘Self’.

When we talk about Self in everyday life, we’re often talking about our personality self. But there’s a deeper Self. The Self Essence, if you like. When we connect with our Self Essence, then we can cultivate our self-confidence.

We can let go of anxiety about what other people think. We can let go of judgments about ourselves. We can let go of negative thoughts about ourselves. And we can connect with our Essence.

In Earth Wisdom Teachings we speak about trust and innocence. Essential qualities in the human. They’re in the South of the Medicine Wheel. And all of us have them.

All of us have innocence and trust, but we cover them over with our anxieties and our worries about how we look in life.

When we move those out of the way and connect with that by coming into Self, present moment awareness, then we connect with our Self Essence.

So how do we come into present moment awareness?

One simple way, is to put our attention on our sense perceptions. Not thinking about them, but actually noticing more our sense perceptions, more than the thoughts.

So we can spend two minutes just on hearing, and just notice what you can hear.

Notice the sounds, the quality of the sounds.

And notice the silence.

Then you can have two minutes on touch, just noticing what you’re touching. The quality of the surface, just touching with your hand. Or just noticing your body, supported by the chair, or I’m on a rock here.

And then two minutes on smell, just noticing the smells around you.

Two Minutes on seeing, noticing the colors, textures, movement, everything you can see. Nnot what you’re thinking about it,.

And then you can have two minutes on taste as well.

But all those sense perceptions, they bring us more clearly into present moment awareness, and that connects us with our Essence Self.

And that is the secret of self confidence and trust.

Thank you for watching.